Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Commit to Community Radio

Today I'd like to share my first foray into more professional writing. Below is my first article published for FBi 94.5FM, a Sydney youth radio network.

The article below draws on several of my drafts and reflects my own editing but none of my editor at FBi. Basically for the 'Rightz' blog I wanted to preserve my own voice not someone else's, even if it is superior.

The processing of drafting and editing for a professional publication was a huge learning curve for me and one I think I'm going to enjoy. Writing has always been a personal endeavour and now I've found a much more social, interactive process I think I can only improve.

You can check out the final article on FBi's website. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!    


Does Government Funding Reflect Those Figures?

Wally supports Community Radio... Do You?

Let’s ask Gotye…

“You didn’t have to cut me off!”

See, there’s a lack of funding for digital community radio services.

Wally de Backer (aka – Gotye) recently wrote an open letter to the Communications Minister Stephen Conroy asking him to address the shortfall for the future of community radio. The Minister’s response however suggested that stations should just fund themselves.

Wally’s kinda famous for writing catchy, award winning tunes. But he acknowledges that even with all his talent, community radio helped him kick it all off.

Oh, here let him tell it:

“Australian community radio has been instrumental in my recent international success. Without the support and encouragement of community stations when I started self releasing my music in 2001 I would not have been able to develop my career.” 

Now digital community radio is fighting for its life with only one week before the federal budget and a $1.4 Million dollar shortfall to continue services.

The long and the shortfall…

Back in 2009 the federal government provided $11.2 Million dollars to kickstart community digital radio across Australia. The funding was instituted by Senator Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. 

Money was for the setup and operation of digital radio services over three years and was part of the government’s commitment to a digital future for radio.

Basic annual costs for digital radio have leveled at $3.6 Million dollars a year. In May 2012 the government announced funding of $2.2 Million dollars a year over four years for digital community radio.

… Hang on a minute, that’s short $1.4 Million dollars.

A cut, or a shortfall?

Any way you cut it (pun intended) the government’s ongoing funding commitment of $2.2 million dollars a year is $1.4 million dollars short of the operational costs of community digital radio.

The government maintains it hasn’t cut anything; it’s giving money away! This ignores the basic costs projected to access the digital radio platform. Failure is built into the system.

Heard about media diversity?

The government bangs on about it a fair bit. Basically it’s about having lots of voices expressing different opinions.

And how does digital community radio help support media diversity?

It’s all in the name; community radio supports and represents exactly what it says – communities. Whether it’s Indigenous voices on Koori Radio 93.7 FM, Muslim voices on Muslim Community Radio 92.1 FM, or yours truly here at FBi 94.5 FM supporting your voice!

The digital component is important because we are all consuming media in different ways.

Infrastructure is for the future stupid!

One of the problems with the governments argument is that ignores the future potential of digital radio. As we change and evolve the way we consume media maintaining and developing a digital option becomes increasingly important.

This is basically the argument the government made in criticizing the Oppositions NBN policy. Remember Conroy is also Minister for the Digital Economy. But can he see the inconsistency?


So what can we do?    

If you haven’t already, go to and join the campaign for digital radio funding.

You can also send Senator Conroy an email, hell give him a call on (02) 6277 7480. Tell him what FBi and digital community radio means to you!

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